Kelsi Smurr | Solid Rock

Kelsi Smurr | Solid Rock

Two Homes

It has been so nice to be back with my Indiana friends and family. My mom and niece picked me up about four weeks ago from the airport, and the days have been busy ever since. As I think about these last four weeks, I feel like I have spent a little bit of time with a lot of people. 

My first week back I participated in the church’s month-long initiative called Engage My City. This is one of my favorite things that my church does, and I was happy to be home to catch the last week. During this month at church, the sermons covered the fruit of the spirit, which I had just started studying before coming home. I was happy to have this study coincide with the sermons on Sunday mornings. The reason I love Engage My City so much is because it is a way our church tangibly shows the love of Jesus to our neighbors. While this month is focused on a local effort for our church it can be reflected in a global effort as well.

Don’t worry, while I’m serving I can always find a way to have a little fun 😉

The last three weeks at home have been spent having breakfast, lunch, or dinner with family and friends to catch up. I did fit a few sporting events in during my time home; Braegan’s volleyball games, Brantley’s soccer games, a baseball game, and an Indiana Fever game. Along with a few road trips, one to Michigan City, to do some shopping, and one to Bloomington to take my cousin back to school. I spent a few days helping at church, to get a few small tasks done (and visit with friends). I was also able to attend City Church with the Bucher family one morning, it was great to spend a Sunday morning with them again! I was also able to spend some time with Kamanda thrifting and just hanging out!

It was also special to be home with my mom for her sixtieth birthday! We spent the day celebrating her with a visit to the spa followed by lunch, and of course ice cream!

During my time home, the question I have gotten asked the most is what do you like the most about the Dominican? My answer is the pace of life, it feels slower in the Dominican not as busy, and much more relational than things can feel at home. My second answer is the people I work with, and do life with in the DR. So, while I have enjoyed my time at home, I also find myself missing friends and life in the DR.

On the other hand, as I sit in my bedroom one last morning trying to reflect not only on my time at home but the last several months I find myself not ready to leave. (I’m sure I sound like a broken record.) God has been so sweet to give me a community of people in Indiana who love, support, and encourage me. These friends and family make it that much harder to say goodbye. I’m ready to be back to work with teams, and welcoming people back to San Juan! Then again, I don’t know the next time I’ll be in Indiana. My heart feels torn, right in two. 

In January, a dear friend shared this song with me, and along with a few others, I listened to it on repeat during my prep to move and my first few weeks there. I don’t think it was any coincidence that our worship team sang it Sunday Morning. 

My prayer is that God would continue to move in my life, that I would continue to make room in my heart for what he is calling me to, and I would be a reflection of him. 

I do have a few things to be looking forward to as time goes on, in what I can only imagine will be a quick fall. Kamanda is coming in October, and Kate, Sarah, Kamanda and I will do a retreat together! Then in January Pine Hills will be in San Juan to serve for a week, and my little sister and her husband are coming on the team! I’m excited for them to see what life in San Juan is like.

Prayer Requests:

  • Safety for Sarah and I returning to the Dominican tomorrow, and for Kate as she travels to pick us up.
  • For my family and myself saying goodbye after time together.
  • For a healthy and safe fall schedule with teams. 
  • Continued progress with Spanish

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