Kelsi Smurr | Solid Rock

Kelsi Smurr | Solid Rock

Summer wrap up

Goodbye summer, hello from the Santo Domingo airport! 

What a whirlwind! I’m not sure how I am just now sitting down to write an August blog and it is already mid-August. 

As I’m sharing my life in San Juan in these blogs, I usually try to share what God has been putting on my heart, or teaching me. And I have to be honest, with the hectic summer months we had I feel a little disconnected.

Between work, we tried to make sure Riley had some Dominican adventures. We spent one day at the beach with some friends. We even went and watched Intensamente (Inside Out) 2. We stopped at the local empanada stand as often as possible. We enjoyed dinners with friends, and joining the teams during barrio clinics. I can’t say it enough, I’m so thankful we had Riley with us in San Juan for the two months she was here. She made a HUGE impact on our teams serving with us here, as well as on our American and Dominican staff. 

Good news, Katelyn finally came home! I missed having Kate around, so I was happy to pick her up from the bus station a few weeks ago when she finally arrived! While learning to manage the guesthouse was a bit crazy at times over the summer, I am so thankful for the time to learn everything the guesthouse host does. It helps me to know how to better support Kate in her role, and how I can offer help! One of the best things about being at the guesthouse this summer is the relationships I grew with Margo, Grego, and Rhina. 

“Home Visits?” That’s usually the question Pastor Enol and Michael present as they grab their bags to head out in the morning once the barrio site is set up. I’m thankful that one day when I was out with the team I joined Pastor Enol and Michale on home visits! Watching the two of them share the gospel, and encourage believers is something I hope everyone who serves with us has the opportunity to experience. 

With Kate being home and back in charge at the guesthouse, I traveled into the Capitol with our barrio team from Minnesota and spent some extra time with the team. This team has a passion for furthering healthcare in San Juan, and I loved spending time with them and learning from them! In saying goodbye to one team, I said hello to our last summer team from Tampa! This team of nurse and nurse practitioner students was just the team we needed to finish the summer! 

During one of the barrio clinics, we met a mom that has a young son who needed to have a cardiac workup done to see if he needed surgery. Since that clinic day, George and I have visited with the family twice to check on the family and see how we can best help. Sadly, we have learned that what he has going on is a little more serious than we thought and will require him to be in Santo Domingo for treatment.

With the end of summer, meant Riley had to go home. I had planned to travel home with her but I had a change of plans to attend a wedding in San Juan on August 17th. So back to the capitol, I went, this time with Riley and the team from Tampa. We enjoyed dinner with the team from Tampa on Friday, and pool time on Saturday. Sunday morning, Riley and I headed to the airport to get her back to Ohio.

I have officially moved into my new apartment! I owe a HUGE thank you to Kate, Riley, Santo, and Stalin! I had to purchase a new stove, and that was delivered this week!

I’m looking forward to slowly making this apartment my own, hosting friends for dinners, parties, or movie nights, and welcoming people in. But most of all, I’m hopeful that friends and family from home will come to use the spare rooms to see life here in San Juan! (I’m secretly hoping for Braegan to visit as soon as Jeff and Kamanda will let her).

I’m forever grateful for the time living at the guesthouse, it was a safe place that allowed me to grow confident being in San Juan, but I know having my own home, and feeling “rooted” in San Juan will be even more important for me to continue to grow here and be part of this community. 

This week, Sarah, Kate, and I spent Monday at the beach celebrating Katelyn’s birthday (a week late). Then we had dinner together Tuesday night compliments of Sarah! Wednesday we went to El Cacheo! Friday, we all visited our favorite nail salon (Helens), and later had lunch with some friends from church.

Saturday, we celebrated Michael and Anyeli at their wedding! I can’t believe they are married and moving to Santo Domingo. These two hold a very special place in my heart, and I’m so excited to see what the future has in store for them. 

I continue to take Spanish lessons and plan to continue that in our time off to make sure I’m doing everything I can to keep learning. 

As I’m waiting to board my flight to Miami, I am excited to spend time with friends and family over the next month, and reunite with the Buchers! I also have some things I’m hoping to get taken care of at my house while I’m home. Most of all, I’m praying that my time at home can be productive but also restful and re-energizing. 

Prayer Requests: 

  • Safety in traveling home 
  • For our American Missionaries we will be spending time apart from each other, whether in San Juan or the States please pray our time can be restful.
  • Continued learning in Spanish lessons
  • The little boy from Sabaneta and his family.
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